The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Your Job Application

The answer is simple. Recruiters receive tonnes of CVs every day, which is probably the reason your CV never made it to the top of the pile. Going over a pile of up to 500+ CVs to find the right candidate can take up to 50% of the recruiters time. It is for this reason that HR departments are now starting to utilise artificial intelligence (AI) to help them speed up this process and find the most suitable candidate.

What is artificial intelligence?
According to Technopedia, AI is an area of computer science that emphasises time creation of intelligent machines that work and react like human. AI can participate in activities that involve speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem-solving. It is probable that you have already used AI, for example, Siri, an intelligent assistant installed in all iPhones which responds to voice commands.

How is HR using AI?
You might be surprised to know that HR is using AI even before you apply to a job.

Yes, this is possible through the use of softwares like Entelo, which outreaches candidates without them even applying. This software has a big social media database from which it finds its potential candidates. This data recruitment platform has allowed recruiters to find more applicants that match the job criteria and increase the chances of finding a more qualified candidate.

‘It has set new benchmark for response rate… It has put more rigor [into the process] and given them more access to more data on candidates’ — Becky McCullough, Director of Recruiting at digital marketing firm HubSpot Inc.

Watch the video ‘Artificial Intelligence in Your Workplace’ to learn more.

Another software that is commonly used among recruiters is SAP Resume Matcher. In comparison to Entelo software, this one uses the data registered candidates have submitted along with their CV and cover letter. The software then analyses the data and allows the recruiters to rank the skills of the potential candidates. It is a very interactive software as it lets recruiters rank the candidates based on different variables, such as education, experience, skills, etc. SAP Resume Matcher has allowed the recruiter use their time more efficiently. Similarly, IBM launched the software Watson, which works on top of the CRM systems, to rank candidates based on a fit score

‘Recruiters spent 60% of their time reading CVs’ — Juergen Mueller, SAP’s Chief Innovation Officer.

Furthermore, if you have been successful and have been invited to an automated video interview, chances are that the video software is using AI to help recruiters decide if you are being honest about your skills and decipher your personality. Companies like Unilever recently implemented this intelligent system in their HR process.

What’s next?
More and more companies are using social media like LinkedIn to find new candidates and learn more about you. Thus, you might consider updating your social media profiles to stand out from your competitors and attract recruiters.

Effective Natural Healthy Tricks To Sleep Better

There are so many people who suffer from the problem of sleep deprivation. They are not able to sleep well. There can be several causes to this problem and this could include stress, environmental factors, health issues and many more. Hormonal changes can also affect sleep pattern and cause sleep deprivation. There are healthy and natural tips to sleep well.

There are chemical products available that are harmful on the body. It is advised to not use chemical products as the body gets addicted to them. They do not have positive effects on the body. They make people feel drowsy and inactive the next day. It is healthy to include natural remedies for the body. It will help to get rid of the problem.

It is useful to sleep well with the use of neem oil. It should be used in bathing water. This is an important trick to help people sleep well. It is the best healthy tricks to sleep better. It should be used for better health and sleep. It should be used regularly in the daily schedule for excellent results. It is the ideal solution for the body and helps to sleep peacefully.

The use of cocoa powder with cinnamon and milk is ideal for sleeping well. It should be used to get good sleep and remove anxieties. This is an important way to beat the restlessness to help people sleep well. It is the effective healthy tricks to sleep better. It should be used for calm sleep. It is the natural remedy and perfect way to get rid of insomnia problem.

The use of banana shake is healthy for the body. It helps to control the body and make people go to sleep. This is an important trick to help people sleep well as ideal natural healthy tricks to sleep better. It should be used for better sleep pattern and beat insomnia too.

The use of til oil is healthy for massage. It should be used to control and make the body calm down effectively. This is an important trick to help people sleep well without any worries. It is ideally the natural healthy tricks to avoid sleeplessness. It should be effectively followed for better sleep.

The use of rose oil in hot bathing water is perfect for soothing and calming sleep. It helps to feel good and sleep well by beating insomnia. This is an important trick to help people sleep well as suggested natural healthy tricks to avoid sleeplessness. It should be used as better insomnia remedies to sleep well.

Best Herbal Ways To Keep Your High Blood Pressure Under Control

Hypertension may not show any specific symptoms in an individual, and mostly, it is identified through screening. It is a condition which can cause heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and many other disabilities in an individual. The increase in the level of pressure on the walls of arteries can damage the body organs. Kidney disease and endocrine disorders are responsible for secondary hypertension.

Some people report of headaches, change in vision, fainting, light-headedness and anxiety. The problem grows with age and a regular care and treatment for the condition is needed to prevent complications of HBP. Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control are safe ways to regulate blood pressure and remain healthy. A person can adopt the herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control, which helps him to manage the risk factors and problems effectively, and its lifelong impact on general wellbeing of the person can be prevented.

Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control such as Stresx capsule are made up of herbs which are powerful natural products. Each individual herb in the capsule can help a person suffering from the HBP to reduce mental anxieties, reduce the problem of heart conditions and artery narrowing. Herbs such as Arjuna myrobalan (Arjun) was found in laboratory test to be effective in relaxing dilations of blood vessels which reduces blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension.

Due to HBP, a person may unknowingly suffer from ‘hypertensive crisis’ which cause complications but initially has no symptoms. People mostly report of headaches and dizziness. The other symptoms may be deterioration of vision, breathlessness and heart failure. These problems of emergency can be regulated by keeping a check on the condition. Medicines of high blood pressure are available in the conventional system of medicine but the level of BP fluctuates and if at the time of taking the medicine the person is not suffering from HBP taking, the medicines can cause severe damage and health risks.

The condition which is commonly known as ‘resistant hypertension’ is the health problem in which, in spite of, using two or more different medicines for hypertension, the person may not show the sign of improvement. This condition is considered to be linked to autonomic nervous disorders. The problems of autonomic nervous disorders are related to the part of nervous system which handles the involuntary activities of the body. Even these areas of brain can be improved by adopting the herbal ways to keep high blood pressure which have the property to calm down the brain and reduce the impact of stress on it. Regular intake of herbs can increase blood flow in the body and prevent the accumulation of toxins in bloodstream. The level of bad cholesterol reduces and the arteries become more elastic, which helps in unrestricted blood circulation in the body.

Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control are extremely safe to use. This provides holistic cure to people who can easily manage the condition of high blood pressure and reduce the risk of health hazards of HBP.