Hypertension may not show any specific symptoms in an individual, and mostly, it is identified through screening. It is a condition which can cause heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and many other disabilities in an individual. The increase in the level of pressure on the walls of arteries can damage the body organs. Kidney disease and endocrine disorders are responsible for secondary hypertension.
Some people report of headaches, change in vision, fainting, light-headedness and anxiety. The problem grows with age and a regular care and treatment for the condition is needed to prevent complications of HBP. Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control are safe ways to regulate blood pressure and remain healthy. A person can adopt the herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control, which helps him to manage the risk factors and problems effectively, and its lifelong impact on general wellbeing of the person can be prevented.
Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control such as Stresx capsule are made up of herbs which are powerful natural products. Each individual herb in the capsule can help a person suffering from the HBP to reduce mental anxieties, reduce the problem of heart conditions and artery narrowing. Herbs such as Arjuna myrobalan (Arjun) was found in laboratory test to be effective in relaxing dilations of blood vessels which reduces blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension.
Due to HBP, a person may unknowingly suffer from ‘hypertensive crisis’ which cause complications but initially has no symptoms. People mostly report of headaches and dizziness. The other symptoms may be deterioration of vision, breathlessness and heart failure. These problems of emergency can be regulated by keeping a check on the condition. Medicines of high blood pressure are available in the conventional system of medicine but the level of BP fluctuates and if at the time of taking the medicine the person is not suffering from HBP taking, the medicines can cause severe damage and health risks.
The condition which is commonly known as ‘resistant hypertension’ is the health problem in which, in spite of, using two or more different medicines for hypertension, the person may not show the sign of improvement. This condition is considered to be linked to autonomic nervous disorders. The problems of autonomic nervous disorders are related to the part of nervous system which handles the involuntary activities of the body. Even these areas of brain can be improved by adopting the herbal ways to keep high blood pressure which have the property to calm down the brain and reduce the impact of stress on it. Regular intake of herbs can increase blood flow in the body and prevent the accumulation of toxins in bloodstream. The level of bad cholesterol reduces and the arteries become more elastic, which helps in unrestricted blood circulation in the body.
Herbal ways to keep high blood pressure under control are extremely safe to use. This provides holistic cure to people who can easily manage the condition of high blood pressure and reduce the risk of health hazards of HBP.